Hello! I notice you're using Netscape (or other CSS-noncompliant user agent—in which case, consider this an easter egg) to view this journal. Because Netscape is so titanically shit, I have disabled image viewing on Netscape specifically. If I didn't, you would notice random images being replaced with each other and similar such strangeness. The posts are still visible, but you'll be missing the images, which are half the context of these posts.
You should use RetroZilla if you can; it runs on Windows 95 and up and gives you a perfect cammy.somnol viewing experience, plus more comfortable Web browsing on retrocomputers in general. Failing that, Internet Explorer 3 (which amusingly also displays this message, since it doesn't support the display
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Reflecting on what the last decade-plus has done to me
The end of the year is always ripe for epiphanies, ain't it? I can't believe that one post about coming to terms with being autistic was now four years ago. Something keeps coming back to me about the past ten years, and I don't think I've ever properly vocalized it or even come to terms with it in myself. I'll have a lighter lookback on my art progress going up on the group blog soon; this is just one that's been brewing in my head for the past month or so as well.
At the start of the year, I left MiloHax, which was a Guitar Hero and Rock Band modding Discord if you're not aware. I left because of the fallout from a situation where I was drunk, said something mildly edgy (we're talking "haha you're 14 and you think you're bi" levels of edgy, like real weaksauce shit), and the other mods took it as an opportunity to strip me not just of the mod role (which, who cares, I can't clean it up for free anymore), but also the Homie role with access to the private room that comes with that role. That bit rankled me. All the work and all the stress I put myself through (including personally—working so much on Guitar Hero mods had me neglecting Caby plenty of times), contributing to so many big projects—and then I came home from work one night to find a "unanimous vote" from all the other mods saying that I fucked up and I should "do better". I don't think it was just about this incident, I think it was a slow boil, but this definitely broke the camel's back.
If anything, it's amusing looking back at how little it meant. I didn't drop any YouTube subs, despite some fat NEET who presses buttons really fast doing his best to cancel me for attention on Xitter. I've since had modder people add me on my public account to ask questions or what have you. I even had someone who used to talk to me about marfGH drop in on the Vib-Ribbon stream for a brief moment, which was nice. Of course, I also look back at who decided to drop me and I remembered that one of them was a literal teenager, one just turned 40 and posts recordings of arguments with his dad for his internet friends, and another got one of his previous Discord accounts deleted for posting the "American culture is centered around neighbors" copypasta (ahem) in some other server.
This ain't sour grapes, this is a reminder that people in Discord servers are not your friends, and they're usually a lot sadder than you are, or are just as edgy and are pretending not to be so they themselves don't get canceled.
Instead, I became international. I quit my first job (my previous manager told me the last time I dropped in how she wishes she had me back because I was the only reliable worker she had), got on two planes basically for shits and giggles, flew to Montreal to London, and slept in the same bed for three weeks with the girl I love. I got a slightly better job when I came back—took a lot of time getting used to it, but it's a stepping stone to something I truly want to do, I believe. I moved forward in life. Why then did it affect me so bad?
I've wound up going through this loop a lot over the past ten years, and even before. My first taste of internet infamy came in the mid 2010s when I humming along on Tumblr and got into it with some blog with a thousand followers. I guess I said something that upset them, because suddenly I had tons of mocking, venomous anons in my inbox, plus this blog shittalking me very publicly. Brianna (who was the adult woman who groomed me through my teenage years, remember) encouraged me to shoot back, and I did. About a year later, I had another run-in with a blog who said that I was a "potential rapist" because I didn't think "Blurred Lines" was as creepy as folks made it out to be. Remember, I was 15.
In 2017, I started up the Valve Developer Union, which was born out of a Steam group and Discord server for folks who made custom content for Garry's Mod. The kid in charge of that Steam group bothered the hell out of me and a couple other folks, so after we got mod in his server, we made our own, trashed his, and invited everyone to the new one. That was VDU Mark I. When I had no reason to keep it around anymore, I shut it down. Some previous regulars convinced me to bring it back up, and I figured with a website attached, I now had a reason to. VDU Mark II wound up causing me a solid year of aggravation, both with regulars (some coomers, some just fucking miserable people, some tried to get me banned off Discord in spectacularly unsuccessful fashion) and with my webmaster. I remember one of the first truly heated arguments I got into was about what font we should use for the body text of the articles. Which fucking font.
In 2018, I joined Neocities—my experiences on there are well, well documented at this point. Lots more arguing, lots more being a gadfly, lots more stress around another web project, this time Districts. It's funny how much of it has been forgotten about, and I've written about that in blog posts prior, but it affected us greatly at the time. I bought DreamHost hosting initially for the sole reason that I saw how it was stressing Caby out and I wanted to get a girl I really cared about away from people throwing shit at me. I haven't even mentioned the Quake scene in all of this, where I marched into a well-established modding scene, went "I am the new wave of Quake mapping and all the Quakedads can get fucked", and handed over a level without coherent texture themes. Hilarity ensued, perhaps.
And, of course, in the age of Somnolescent being its own group, lots of people have come and gone with similarly sparky results. Brianna got kicked out in 2018, prengle got kicked out in 2019 and proceeded to stalk me and try to humiliate me with some of the erotic RPs Brianna had me doing with her, Neo left a month later and also tried to humiliate me, mon left in 2022, borb left in 2022 (and also tried to humiliate me, see the aforementioned Xitter drama), and Devon has most recently flown the coup a month ago for being a legitimately violent racist who doesn't think what she said is the issue, just that people look at her wrong for it.
The point of all this storytelling is that it's never that I miss the people. The people I've met are sex pests, incels, bitter losers, middle-aged burnouts telling you about the wonders of psychedelics for fixing mental problems, oh yeah, and a literal child groomer (and some better folks, of course, folks I wouldn't mind chatting with again now and then). I don't even necessarily regret the outcome. I've got great friends now, I have money now, I'm working on moving up in the world, and I'm more creative and more successful at being happy with what I make than ever.
I just wish it didn't have to happen the way it did. I wish that every good idea I had didn't also come with a tidal wave of nonsense that wound up killing it. I regret the loss of that potential there and the connections that could've been had. Every single loss comes with a little more baggage that I have to navigate next time I try to make friends. I still have a hard time seeing when people like me. I still get nervous every new community I poke my head into will eventually chase me back out. Some of those previous times were well-deserved, and others, I don't quite think so, but it affects me the same either way.
I absolutely wish Somnol could've continued with every single person we lost (except Brianna, obviously). I wish folks weren't shitheads. I wish Somnol didn't have that gigantic trail of dismissals lagging behind it, because losing people sucks. Again, it's not the people—what good would having prengle back be? He'd insult me, himself, and everyone constantly, give us some MS Paint scribbles and a Sentridoh MP3 and go "here's my great idea for a Morrowind mod", and we were all supposed to act graced with that edgelord genius. Or Cheren and Neo, now that they're off drawing Pikmin pornography on Mastodon? It's not the people, it's the fact that something good could've come of it and we all got our hopes up and what came out of it was disappointment and social trauma.
Of course I'm aware of the thread running through every single incident, me. Of course I was a shitty, shitstirring teenager, of course I said the thing that would bother people the most because I thought it would be funny—but there's more to the story than that. There's why I was like that. My own insecurities, my own ego I was hiding behind to guard against my fear that I was untalented, my own feelings of being deprived and not being able to make all the cool modding, music, and artsy stuff I wanted happen—and also the folks around me encouraging it. Brianna encouraged it. Even Somnolescent encouraged it for a while. Was it fun destroying Hyperlink? Yeah. Was it fun destroying that Garry's Mod Steam group Discord and both VDU Discords? Yeah.
What did it amount to though? A big list of people I still regret making enemies with, just because making enemies fucking sucks and is stressful. I wasn't just destroying things, I was trying to build them up too, make friends, show people where I was coming from, be reasonable, and, well, in short, you don't shit where you eat, and I did.
I think a lot about how there was a happy, dumb little kid there before all this happened. He was sitting in his room, relearning how to play Guitar Hero with a regular controller after the wire snapped off his SG, listening to Soundgarden and thinking about the idea of having Pokémon OCs for the first time, and that kid became me. I got away from the adult that kid should've grown up to be and came out of the other end socially anxious and jaded, wondering who the next person I really wanted to like me and then didn't will be.
The past few years have been me trying to re-establish contact with that kid. Not become a kid again, but become better-adjusted again. Again, become the adult that kid should've grown up into. I think I'm on the right track; just being able to draw has made me feel so much more whole, so much less frustrated with what I'm personally capable of. Everything is within my control, what I'm capable of, how I conduct myself, and how I feel about myself. I can be exactly who I want to be, and if I need love and care, I can just vocalize that, I don't have to act out to get that attention like I used to. Sure, that means facing a lot of very uncomfortable realities about myself—but I've never been one for lying anyway.
Like I said, there will be a much lighter lookback on 2023 over on Letters, either before the end of the year's out or the very start of 2024. That one's gonna be about me drawing, because I've gotten a lot better at it over the past year and it well and truly brings me a lot of joy. I've always been supremely jealous of people who can draw, and now I can! And I'm drawing exactly what I want to, how I want to, and I have a million ways to grow from here. I'm really enjoying it. We'll talk more soon, gamers.
And peace and peace and peace and peace, laugh and
Apologies for still being sporadic on the journal front! Not really been up to a ton a ton? I did finally finish the gigantic group drawing for five years of Somnolescent back on the 20th—which I should probably post more places because it's the first group pic I have ever done and completed and it came out really cute. There's a message from me on there too with some ideas for where we're going in 2024.
Big thing is that I'll be streaming Vib-Ribbon again tonight at 7PM! Folks have been clamoring for another Vib customs stream since I did the last one last year, so I'm making it a Christmas tradition. The Sunday closest to Christmas, I gather up a ton of unmarked audio files the Somnolians send me and package it up into a disc image to blindly play through. I have no idea what to expect, other than dcb tried to get me to play "Albuquerque". And then forgot to remove the album art from the MP3. Good showing.
Going better than expected!
I feel cloistered—more than usual. I haven't really been updating this journal, truthfully because I don't have a lot to update about! I've gotten back into art, and I feel much faster at it, more confident, and more ambitious than ever. It's perhaps a little early to look back and start sharing 2024 plans, though I do have them, and those will be going up on Letters.
Beyond that, work, work, work. I went from a socially anxious mess when I started this job to proving myself in a big way to frankly being over it. It gives me $350 a week—and that's about it, really. Whenever the bottom drops out, I will be scheduling another flight to Wales and staying there for a fucking month this time. Maybe two! One entire sixth of 2024 spent next to my girlfriend would make my year. Caby says I should be looking into certifications and higher skilled tech jobs without the retail part of it—because the retail part really is the worst part. I'm autistic. I can handle it, but I'm really not built for it.
Beyond that, though, this holiday season is going a lot better than expected. I don't know if I mentioned this, but I got selected for jury duty back in November—and turns out they selected everyone they needed without me even needing to drive an hour away to get interviewed. Home is peaceful, unlike last year, work has laid off the Christmas music onslaught to a comfortable level, and all the Somnol Christmas presents are starting to make their way across the world right now. I'll have stuff mailed out soon too, hopefully by January. I just got back from a nice dinner paid for by work where I ate a big burger-fried egg monstrosity and drank a spiked cream soda with rum (work did not pay for the liquor, but that would've went hard). That was all delicious. Life is good!
I'll be heading back to (creative) work—watch the main somnolescent.net domain for that. For now, go read Savannah's really fuzzy fun 2023 retrospective over on Letters (more to follow from other group people and myself) and peek at this wonderful Setter I commissioned Caby to draw! I wanted a new wallpaper for the eMachines Box, and here's the wandering Setter fullbody that'll be on it >:3c

Physical copies on sale soon
Last Summer is officially out now on my Bandcamp! We're having a listening party for it tonight at 8PM EST, so if you're available in the next few hours of this post going live, come hang out with me and the Somnolians! I'll be sharing some fun tidbits about how I made the album and all that good stuff. (It's also streaming now on YouTube, if you prefer to listen to your music as videos. No word on if I'll publish this one through RouteNote like I do my normal aphrodisiac stuff, though that would be pretty killer.)
I also spent the day working on art for a physical release! I've got jewel cases handy and more novelty CD-Rs on the way, so I've done up a proper eight-page booklet I'm gonna have printed on nice, glossy paper, and I'll come up with a back cover and something for the CD tray another day. The CD release is gonna have the original demos from 2020, which pleases me since it'll all be together in a full package. I'll be making a couple for the Somnolians and then a couple extras I might offer on the Bandcamp if anyone's interested. If not, no big deal. Just a fun, handmade thing to go with a nice, handmade album.
It's been a lot of work, but honestly, I'm kind of enjoying the warm fuzzies tonight. The end of the year has always been my time to make music (my first stabs at stuff as aphrodisiac were done in the back half of 2015, and Isolated Together was coming together between November 2018 and January 2019, thereabouts), so I'm in real familiar territory.
It's nice having something new and, more importantly, much more like real music to show off for all my efforts over the years trying to write music. Again, the itch is scratched for the moment, I think I'll be focusing elsewhere now—but it was damn cool how it happened and I am super proud of how this thing came out. Hopefully, you like it too and you let me know somewhere. My brain is otherwise melted, so I'm gonna relax for the evening.
One long, long summer
Hey gamers. I'm a little hung over (Somnolians, let me know if you want a sauced 35 minute rambling Letters From Cammy dropped on your heads), but I've finally got a day off, I've announced it to the group already after it having been a secret for a few weeks off from two months now, I think it's time to announce this one publicly.

Coming December 8th, the first new music from me in four, almost five, years will be coming out: Last Summer, a defictionalized EP from the MP3.com success story mtlx. It's a sorta-downtempo sorta-ambient electronica six-track album that clocks in at 34 minutes long, full of strange sonic rabbit holes through vintage near-disaster space race coverage, bonkers consciousness seminars caught on cheap cassettes, agitated birds out in the rain forest, and one man whose doctors say has the constitution of a horse. It's about being fond of a time you shouldn't be fond of.
I first started working on Last Summer in January 2020, back when dcb and I were both fascinated by the MP3.com stuff. He made up a fake album and tracklisting and I set out to make it real, but I quit a few songs in because I still wasn't very good at all the songwriting stuff, I was trying to fit everything into the short runtimes he made up, and my heart still wasn't quite in the music thing after losing the projects to Isolated Together in 2019.
I started having the itch to do more music back in October and returned to it. I turned the songs I had done inside out, stretched 'em out, gave them lots of layers, made them sound like real music instead, and kept it all under wraps with only Caby, Savannah, and Connor (who contributed a really cool blanket of guitar to the title track!) getting to hear my WIP renders. I finally finished it up a few days ago and have just been playing with mixes and preparing metadata ever since.
I'm seriously proud of it, and I'm kind of in awe at what came out of it. Going into a new set of Cammy websites, I didn't really want my music output to be defined by some shit I made in high school before I really knew what I was doing, so I'm very glad to have something much newer and much stronger to show off instead. I'm also just glad to finally be able to talk about it? I mentioned I'd been working on some stuff in secret, and this was one of those things. Now, everyone gets to enjoy it.
So yeah, December 8th. Watch my Bandcamp, aphrodisiac.bandcamp.com. I'm gonna be scheduling and hosting a listening party on there for it the day it comes out, and anyone can show up and chat and listen with me and the other Somnolians. I'm also planning on doing a run of handmade CDs of it, complete with artwork and an expanded tracklist of demos at the end, both for the Somnolians and also maybe to have a few to sell to any interested parties online. I'll think of some other places to send this thing out and maybe see if anyone's into it.

And yes, dcb likes it a lot. I wanted him to get first dibs on the full thing.
Support your local indie musicians now and forever
Happy December, happy Bandcamp Friday! I cleared out my wishlist:

Given how the site has been shuddering a little internally lately, I felt it might be a good time to buy a bunch of albums I've been meaning to (I always pay extra because I'm a sap like that) and download them for safekeeping. Was jamming to Vansire this morning.
Got something musical myself on the way in a bit. Stay tuned.
Well shit, China did okay after all
So it's been nearly a year since I last streamed, at least according to YouTube. I used to stream all the time, but I just got so exhausted and I wasn't having much fun with them, so I quit, and I haven't had much reason to pick them back up because I'm either busy or we're having a group call, and that takes care of my "interacting in voice with the group" quota, really.
Jake linked a cheap chinese HDMI capture device he apparently successfully used to stream Xbox Minecraft a few months back, and at like $7 or so, I took the gamble. This wound up becoming a much larger project involving a component-to-HDMI adapter (that I already had) and an HDMI splitter (that I did not have) and a ten foot HDMI cable (that I will be picking up from work tomorrow or so), but this sorta looks feasible, if messy! I tested the adapter this evening, and it works and doesn't add any extra latency to the game, though on my TV, it cuts off the top of the screen, which means I need to play it partially blind. That's something I've experienced with other HDMI devices on this TV as well, so thankfully, it's nothing that you'll see on your end.
At the moment, I've got the Wii hooked up for GameCube and Animal Crossing purposes, though of course, between Wii, GameCube, and Virtual Console, there's a gigantic library of stuff I'd be able to play on stream. And on real hardware! I'm used to just streaming emulators, but there's something special about being able to use a real controller on a real console while I'm streaming. The setup is gonna get incredibly messy, I already know that—but I'll figure out a way to be able to monitor chat while sitting comfortably in range of my game. Probably time to get Streamlabs going as well, and not just rely on my old OBS setup with the popout YouTube chat.
Everything is very tentative, but it's a fun kind of tentative. Stay tuned; you may just be able to chatter with me live again very soon.
I wish the real world would just stop hasslin' me
One of the most striking memories I have of college is wandering out to north campus late at night, almost off campus altogether, and noting the sky. Across the street, you could see the stars. No light hit the grass or the parking lot of whatever industrial facility was over there. You turn back to campus, and the sky was instead an ugly haze of navy blue and orange from lights that only turned off when the sun was there to light things up instead.
I think about light pollution a lot. I don't like waste in any capacity, be it overstock products or just having to throw out food, but sensory pollution is a special kind of bad.
The store started playing Christmas music the other day, probably the day after Thanksgiving. The playlist is especially gross, this procession of Christmas classics updated for modern pop sensibilities, real pop diva belting out "Silent Night" hours. Oh, it's awful. I'm not one to complain about the store radio (in fact, I probably appreciate and pay attention to it more than anyone else in the store), but this seriously wore me out as Sunday night drew on. This is my entire month next month—even better, I'm working six days in a row starting Wednesday. That's Wednesday to the following Tuesday, with a single day off afterwards, and a boomerang shift Friday going into Saturday.
There used to be a sort of holyness to Christmas, a classy, hushed, almost sorta regal feeling to all the classic Christmas movies and music of the 50s and 60s. Snow-capped hills, everyone home, a certain warmth and magic in the air. Even if those are boomer inventions, it's a good vibe, one where you truly can appreciate everything you accomplished the prior year and who went through it with you. Further, there was space for the darkness in it as well (see It's a Wonderful Life). It might've been a time for celebration, but more than anything, it was a time—and sometimes, you're just going through some shit on Christmas, and that was okay.
In my lifetime, Christmas has become a gigantic blob of light pollution. Every day, every hour, is the ball dropping in Times Square. On TV, every commercial gains a bed of sleigh bells. Modern Christmas music is all blasted out pop music that remakes the same five or six public domain classics in increasingly garish ways—seriously, did I need a three minute party coda to an off-key rendition of "Feliz Navidad"? There's all this shit you gotta do at the end of the year, all the decoration setups that grow more intense and freakish, all the gift-giving when literally everyone expects it already, thus killing the surprise, all the emotional preparation I have to do in case I don't like a gift and have to pretend I do to be nice, it feels like a lot of obligation for very little payoff.
That's a good word for it, obligation. You can't opt out of it. Even if you don't personally observe Christmas, it is inescapable and it bleeds into November worse and worse every year. I wish we gave gifts throughout the year, as the mood strikes. I wish retail didn't completely change flavor the last two months out of the year. I wish there was Christmas music that wasn't so uniformly celebratory, not even necessarily dark or angsty, just exploring moods that aren't "it's time to pog the fuck out because it's Christmas". I wish there truly was a silent night! My ideal Christmas really is getting to stay in bed until it's dark out and then eating something tasty with like, one other person (Caby).
Every other holiday, we observe it by taking a rest. Christmas is a doer's holiday, whether or not you agreed to it.
I really want to like Christmas. I just have a lot of crappy memories attached to it. I'm also gonna miss potentially hearing "Real World" while I'm standing around cleaning up the store for a while.
The new hard drive arrived yesterday; she's back up and running. I'm writing this on the eMachines Box once more. Got her on XP Media Center Edition SP3, like she should've been running all this time, and now it's just repeatedly installing updates from Legacy Update over and over (the POSReady stuff is key for getting TLS 1.2 and thus Escargot fully functional), getting my programs and games back on here, and slowly getting everything situated again.

Media Center Edition got a custom version of Bliss, which sadly, I did not keep for very long. Just paid Caby to draw me a new 4:3 wallpaper, in fact.
Can't wait to get back to site work—got a new, cute idea for the archives redesign and I'm working on a finalized design for Miranda in my new style. She's so cute, you're all gonna love her.
Don't have a ton else to say, just wanted to update. Happy ending! Media Center Edition is neat, yo—though I'm gonna have to find a way to downgrade Windows Media Player, because 11 just feels too new for XP for me and it's not my style on this hardware. Maybe on Vista!
Still no box, but plenty of fun news
So I would've had the eMachines Box back up and going by now, but unfortunately, my stupid ass bought a SATA drive! It had an IDE one in there. I returned that this morning at work and rush-ordered an equivalently-sized IDE drive from eBay yesterday. It should be here by the 21st. Hopefully that's the end of it.
That said, there are some new things to note in the saga:
First and foremost, the old drive does still kinda work! Work has some IDE-to-USB cables on the tech bench, and plugging it into that, I was able to get it going again...occasionally. The drive is definitely toast, but it was genuinely shocking seeing all my stuff again. I was trying to copy whatever I thought I lost off of it, but the tech bench PC needs to take ownership of my user folder, which is filled with especially MSN Messenger garbage and other temp files and, let's be real, it takes forever to read as it is. There was nothing that important on the drive and I'm okay with the loss.
Second, I did blow out the fucking carpet of dust and grime that was in the box finally! Got a two-pack of compressed air and went to town on it on the deck. Now it looks much better in there and I'm less afraid to have it on and, more importantly, open it and handle what's inside. Thankfully, it still works as well as it did before I opened it too—I was worried taking out and fondling the RAM and whatnot would've caused it to stop working, because this is all very new territory for me, but nope, we're good.
There's actually a good amount of upgrade potential in this thing—it can handle 2GB of RAM and any equivalent Pentium 4 (currently it's a Celeron D in there), and it has a PCI-e x16 slot for a graphics card, a PCI slot for a sound card, and the hard drive cage can actually screw in and support two hard drives. I'd like to get a second one with Vista loaded on there when the specs support it a little better. There's enough space in the removable drive cage (where the DVD-R drive is mounted) for two drives, but there's a stupid metal shield where you could pop the second drive in, and the screw holes on the bottom half of the cage are just dimples, not real holes. I wonder if I could get someone to drill me proper mounting holes and I could potentially put a floppy drive in here too? That's...vaguely unnecessary, but super cool! And that's really this entire machine, isn't it?
So yeah, I'm still floating uncomfortable and waiting on a drive, but the computer is doing fine and we're prepped whenever it shows up. God, am I prepped.
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Previous months