The new hard drive arrived yesterday; she's back up and running. I'm writing this on the eMachines Box once more. Got her on XP Media Center Edition SP3, like she should've been running all this time, and now it's just repeatedly installing updates from Legacy Update over and over (the POSReady stuff is key for getting TLS 1.2 and thus Escargot fully functional), getting my programs and games back on here, and slowly getting everything situated again.
Media Center Edition got a custom version of Bliss, which sadly, I did not keep for very long. Just paid Caby to draw me a new 4:3 wallpaper, in fact.
Can't wait to get back to site work—got a new, cute idea for the archives redesign and I'm working on a finalized design for Miranda in my new style. She's so cute, you're all gonna love her.
Don't have a ton else to say, just wanted to update. Happy ending! Media Center Edition is neat, yo—though I'm gonna have to find a way to downgrade Windows Media Player, because 11 just feels too new for XP for me and it's not my style on this hardware. Maybe on Vista!