Cammy's Big Rambly Journal

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November 16, 2022
Sketching digitally is so great

And it means I don't have to think about going to work!

One last update on the Savannah stuff: she's officially on the top-level with us! This kinda site really was meant for five people, and now we have a much, much better, much more excited and productive and cool-to-talk-to fifth person. Spot her all over the site! In the tree! Having a sleepover with us! Carrying a djungelskog! (She's also finally on the humans.txt, which I neglected to list her on earlier this year... Did I mention we have a humans.txt?)

I've recently taken up digital sketching, as I said in my last update, so here's a bit more on that. I used to work on paper, take a picture (or scan) of what I drew, and line over that. This was fine until I started to get pickier about how I drew, and started routinely erasing to the point that the paper texture would actually get rubbed off, thus no grooves for pencil graphite to sit in, thus even blurrier, nastier strokes. I've ruined two sketches doing it and I'm irritated to shit about it.

Actual paper workers just sketch something over and over until they like it and then work on that. I'm not quite there yet, so instead, I'm just starting to sketch digitally. It is the single greatest decision I've made yet. I'm still trying to figure out how big to draw on the canvas, so there's still some sketch resizing, but I finished that Setter ref last night and, dare I say, it came out better proportioned than any of my paper sketches!

Setter reffff :blobaww:

(Really need an art gallery. Really need to get all these site assets drawn and shit built!)

This ref has also gained me a cool three new watchers on DeviantART overnight, plus a few favorites from non-Somnolians, so yeah, I think I'm getting alright at it.

I gotta go to work in a half hour... Bad days happen, everyone knows that, but man. When you have a crap day in retail, gigantic shipments you can't finish on your own, customers being spicy (I told a guy not to put his drink down on top of some product and he said I was a punk kid with a tiny dick), I dunno, it takes a toll on you for a bit. I'm sure today will be great and I'll smile and go "y'know, things will be alright", but yeah. Going because I have to. Going because I'm getting paid.

Hey, if you want some good news, I've only got like five months until I ship out to Wales for three weeks. This stuff is getting kinda concrete, as in plans are being made to let me stay at their house and for me to get my passport ready, and it's something else to think about. It stopped feeling real for so long, and here we are, as it's getting progressively more and more real.