Ah, fuck me, site stuff gets away from me so quick... Trying to pick up the pace on everything, kinda not doing too great. Kinda struggling with personal stuff. That's okay! Good things are happening.
Still gotta finish the Setter cloud drawing. I had originally pegged it for a page on my computer-using history, but all the cool computers, I've gotten in the past 2-3 years. (So yeah, the links on the front page currently are all maybe-future pages. Just needed something to fill out the layout.) Instead, I'm gonna use it to show off all those computers and also my iPods and cameras and game consoles and things. Gotta finish the text, gotta finish the art for it, gotta take pictures of everything.
That's why I started a Setter ref instead. This one actually came out of a bout of trying to learn how to sketch digitally, which I'm super stoked about. It feels so much faster and more efficient than doing it on paper, especially when I don't inevitably ruin the paper with my erasing... The goal is to make it match Bunny's ref, and then eventually to do a Cammy ref that matches Caby's new one. I've already lined the normal outfit boy (look to your right), he's turning out fuckin' supremely doofy and adorable.
As promised, Savannah has finished her site! I've told her many times how impressively clean it is, both in layout and markup. (She used flex! I didn't even teach her that???) She jokes about her now being a canon Somnolian because of it, but really, it does glue together a little divide that's been standing for honestly years now, both in herself and in the group. Very nice to see, very recommended! Very cute. Now comes the fun part of getting her hooked up to the main site and all my mari.somnol pages! :marf:
One last bit of good news: been doing some room rearranging and furniture selling to accommodate a second desk. The eMachines Box is about to get a second wind. Thankfully, I've already got a spare keyboard for it! Even an eMachines-branded one! It's gummy as fuck and kinda sucks and still needs a deep clean, but hey, at least it's stock(?) (The entire rig needs upgrading, stay tuned next year for that...)