Cammy's Big Rambly Journal

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August 17, 2024
Intent to distribute

About time I get a fucking lucky break in this fucking game, motherFUCKERS

I gotta start making these journal entries smaller, or I'm never gonna update this thing. I've been putting this one off anyway because I didn't want to call a very good thing before I was confident in it, but now I am!

There's a lot I didn't say or post here with regards to my last grocery store job, because it was just bad all around. The people were nasty, the management was sketchy, communication was hilariously nonexistent, managers would literally ignore you when you needed their help. I had to learn of my own disciplinary action through other associates who overheard things, and when they wanted a sit down struggle session over said (two-week-old) writeups (which were about me not doing things I was literally not told I should be doing), I walked out. Fuck 'em. $13 an hour, or any amount of money, isn't enough for that shit.

So... here's really good job news for once.

I got a job at a beer distributor. My mom saw the position on Indeed, and the day I quit, I went to apply for it and found it gone. I emailed them.

The next day, they said to send my resume over. I did, and I got a call. "We love your resume, would you like to come in for a sitdown interview?" Of course I said yes.

I interviewed. They were impressed with how much I already knew. Three hours later, I get an email offering me a position with them. Full time, a couple dollars more an hour for the same work, basically, just bigger items.

I went, in a week, from being employed at a grocery store where people didn't even say hello to me when I walked in to being employed at one of the vendors of that store, a family-owned place where you know everyone and all communication is done face-to-face and on checklists. I am now making what I made in a month there in two weeks. No stupid purchase limits, no ringing up groceries. I have consistent days off again, so I can start streaming again (and did last night!). I can listen to my weirdass 90s rock while I work!

It's phenomenal.

Of course, my shifts are a lot longer. I've never worked full time before. Days before were six-and-a-half hours tops; today, I did nine-and-a-half. I'm good with that! It's a bunch more heavy lifting, and I do feel it when I come home. I'm good with that! I was fully expecting to have a car (only the car) financed by maybe late spring 2025; now I'm gonna have my loans fully paid off and the car by February of next year. If I stay a year, I'm still looking at over $10,000 in savings on top of that I can use for the next Wales trip and whatever else. This has so massively sped up the timeline for my move to Wales and me as a person, and it's in a place where I finally feel valued in what I do.

This does mean the creative stuff has slowed a bit, but I'm still quietly working on the archives overhaul, and I'm hoping to have Last Summer CDs made up and sent out in September when dcb's back at school. Obviously, that's no big deal. Real life, work, and money come first. For now, I'm just taking it easy and looking forward to my forthcoming first paycheck.