Well, we're eleven days into July and I still haven't updated the journal yet this month! Literally all of my free time has been spent lately either writing album reviews (follow the RSS feed, I've got a run of one of day going!), working, and most importantly, participating in Art Fight! I've gotten four attacks done in eight days. One attack every two goddamn days. Here's some highlights:

It's been good, really! It's nice to get some more dynamic, character-driven art done, given how much of my time with art is spent working on site assets and sona drawings. These? It's fun coming up with a doofy idea for something based on their personality, experimenting with shading and textures and poses, and just putting a lot of thought into things. I don't want to take the easy way out and just draw someone's lad standing there and smiling, I want it to feel unique to each one! Thankfully, I'm pretty happy with both my own showing so far and the reaction I've gotten (including that Maldwyn ref getting spotlit on Sheezy, hot damn)—but we're not halfway through yet and I still got a lot more I wanna draw. Here's my profile if you wanna attack me or just peek in on what I'm up to. Hint hint.
I wouldn't say I'm overworked or anything (feeling pretty accomplished, really!), but I am definitely aiming to take it easier next year. I was drafting out a post for the end of the year Letters retrospectives at the register yesterday, based on a bunch of thoughts I've been having about the group and reflections on how the last six years have gone. We're a pretty unique group, and there's a lot about it and how we've attracted and repelled people that I haven't thought much about, let alone talked about. Expect that in December. I gotta get back to drawing my idols and hoping I can make mutuals out of a few of them.