Cammy's Big Rambly Journal

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February 24, 2024
Whoops, you really like my art

I'll try not to let it go to my head

So a weird thing's happened! I'm drawing stuff and people like it:

A surprising amount of likes on Sheezy

"Okay, well, maybe that's just how active I've been with the community on Sheezy. Let's check FurAffinity."

A surprising amount of favorites on FurAffinity

Well, alrighty then! I didn't post anything of them to this journal (or my long-neglected static HTML art gallery on, which I'll update when I get back), but I drew both Cammy and Colton in separate drawings, and both of them have done remarkably well basically everywhere I post art (save Weasyl, but no one uses Weasyl except the fatfurs). I don't post this to brag (mostly), I post this out of bewilderment, if I'm honest.

I got used to being easily ignorable earlier in my art journey, and really, understandably so—no idea of eyes, expressions, 3D space, texture, style in any capacity. Still, it did put me off posting my work publicly, knowing it'd get somewhere south of no reaction at all. Now that I've improved and I'm actually making an effort to post art again though? I'm getting a reaction! From people I've never even met! It's genuinely been really encouraging. I feel like there's a lot there to build on.

I'll be sure to give you guys more art soon. If you're wondering, I post now to DeviantART (newly returned, since it hasn't disintegrated further and I find more art I like on there than anywhere else), Weasyl, FurAffinity, and the recently-relaunched Sheezy. Sheezy is limiting signups to donors at the moment, but if you had an account on the original site, your account and art will be there waiting for you. I donated to get in, and I've been very happy with the site functionality and the community (even if a lot of them aren't like me, to put it bluntly).

This does all leave the potential for Cammy to start posting his art even more places—Newgrounds might like what they see, maybe? Perhaps Twitter? (Iffy on that last one, but at least Caby would retweet my stuff.) It's funny—I feel like I'm uniquely the only techie person who gets along better with the artsy crowd. Perhaps it's because they spend less of their time trying to be Correct on the Internet.