One of those fabled long-term Cammy projects has just appeared on the group blog: a First Draft entry focusing on last year's Yankee Hotel Foxtrot boxset, exactly 22 years after that album streamed for the first time on I wrote the majority of this thing back in June, and with that anniversary just a few months off, I knew I had to hold it for today. Paired with that is a boxset and bootleg reference on cammy.somnol, showing you the overlap between each set of Wilco demos.
Going over six wildly different CDs with a fine-toothed comb, all covering the recording sessions for the same album, was absolutely a tall ask, but this one is a really solid set, if you ask me. Read it at your own pace—WordPress estimates the reading time for this one at 33 minutes.
Speaking of seasons, we're starting to wade back into autumn temperatures here. Still been working a lot—fixed four different computers over the weekend, got tipped $50 yesterday in total from appreciative customers, and sold $550 worth of stuff on top of a $600 laser printer. My confidence is starting to solidify, but it never does completely, really. Sometimes at work (especially later in the evenings), I'll just be kind of in a chemical daze about life. I still think it's crazy that people pay me, even if it's just for a retail job, still think it's crazy I can just buy stuff on a whim now, still think it's crazy to see that number in my bank account go up week after week.
A lot of people I know have absolutely hated adulthood, but I'm drinking it in by the pitcher. I was not a happy, functional kid. Everything good I've ever had came from me going out and making something happen myself, whether that's stability at school, finding work, taking the trip earlier this year, or learning to draw or do anything else creative. My life has been going uphill year after year, really. It doesn't feel like it sometimes because I'm more in tune with my emotions than I ever have been, so the bad stuff feels bigger than ever, but it's not. I know and have known plenty of folks with no ambitions that deeply miss when someone else took care of everything. That's not me.
There's power I'm gaining that still takes me by surprise, in a very good way. I guarantee you I'm not gonna know the full extent of the shit I'll be able to do when I have a car until a few years after I've gotten it. Nothing will hold me back after that.