Cammy's Big Rambly Journal

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August 10, 2023
Never take your power for granted

We're waiting for electric

So our power was out for two days! A popup storm on Monday littered the area with trees and branches and took out power for some 22,000 people at the peak, and 13,000 for two days. I was one of the 13,000. (At the moment, according to, only 31 people in my county are without power, so all is back to normal just about. Rest in peace to the gamers in York County, though, they've still got 6,700 outages.)

This sure sucked! We have electric water, so none of the showers, toilets, or taps worked. We had to use water dispensers bought from the store to wash our hands, five gallon buckets to fill the cistern to be able to flush, and the part I like the absolute least, I had to pour jugs of spring water on myself to shower yesterday because I was prodded into going to work anyway. On the plus side, it might've been the fastest shower I've ever taken, 15 minutes to brush my teeth, get clean, and get dressed—but that's because the water, even at room temperature, was ridiculously cold, and I was gasping and laughing (I'm one of those weird people who laughs when they're in pain) and wondering if God was gonna turn the power back on right after I got out, just to be a dick.

The boredom was pretty bad too—lost an entire day off I wanted to use finishing up the trip diary or the Rediscovering ports to—but the power was back by 8 last night, so that's good at least. We had a generator, so at least our fridge was safe and we could charge our phones or whatever. I'm still kinda in a daze about it (not helped by me overworking myself at work to keep my mind off the power being out, so my body is a bit sore), but slowly I'm coming back online as well.

Lots of good news in the pipeline, though: aside from all the site stuff, I'll be bringing home a new desk from work, a really nice one which will replace my awful shitty old desk my sister destroyed before I even got it. It's an L-desk, so it should ideally accommodate two computers—and that means a dedicated spot to set up the eMachines Box, and that means I can finally get to cleaning that thing out, upgrading it, and using it again! Get all the games I bought at CEX in Wales imported, slap in more RAM, a GPU, and a spare hard drive, get a Vista dual-boot going, and finally enjoy some retrocomputing action like I've wanted to for, well, forever now, certainly since I got it in 2020.