For those of you who have access to the testing version of this site, I've gotten all the old scorekeeping pages back up in the underground section and updated (rewritten the text, added the new scores where relevant). I'll link them here for those folks. (I'm still really fond of that Minesweeper page, that's a classic.) Header images are the holdup for the rest of you. I'll get back to drawing tonight, maybe.
Honestly, save for the photo galleries and the little Nobody's Watching tribute (and the pages getting moved to mari.somnol, like the game recommendations and the PS1 hardware reference), the site is pretty close to parity with cammy_v1. I remember back when I used to be so embarrassed by that thing. Felt like such a LARP, I hated using Composer (it might create valid HTML4 Transitional markup, but it's still just <span> soup), I hated how formless all the pages came out, but I just hated how little of an identity it had most of all. It could've been anyone's site.
This feels entirely my own, handcrafted, from scratch. Fun to browse! Fun to look at! I genuinely adore it. I cannot wait to have this done and to turn my attention towards mari.somnol and getting myself a proper, fleshed-out portfolio site, ready for the avalanche of new shit I want to build (see last month's "The long-term Cammy content strategy" journal entry for all that). I want to rewrite all my stories, revisit all the ones I hate and try them again. I want my sites to feel impressive again.
So glad things are moving again, lordy I am. Feeling like 2019 again. Getting back to that.
We're entering the final week before the trip, by the way. By this time next week, I will be on a plane, barreling towards Montreal for a brief layover before I fly out to London. I'm obsessively reading every first-time flyer and TSA guide I can on packing my stuff, guidelines on what to bring and what not to bring, what information to have handy, and just making sure this goes as smoothly as it possibly can.
If I've played my cards right, I will be sleep-deprived in a city I've never been to with a girl I've never been with in person by the 18th. I can't think of anything more romantic, frankly. I will try to take as many DSi pictures as I possibly can for you all.