Jesus, stuff got busy! I'm a bit better about updating this journal, but so much is going on that I always come home ready to rest instead of report in on the day's events. It's all been seriously fantastic, though, this spring is shaping up to be the best in a long time. Here's a small recap...
- Got my KTN! In like, two days tops. Thanks, government, thought that'd take a while.
- Flight booked, I'll be gone May 17th to June 7th. I got it for a damn good price, just under $750 including traveler's insurance. Amusingly, the trip there will have me going into Montreal for a few hours layover. Didn't think I'd also be heading to Canada this trip, but life comes at you fast.
- A lot of shopping, a lot of preparing. Got some nicer clothes, new shoes (and new work shoes, unrelated but still appreciated), and also buying gifts for Caby! You are gonna be so hype to see it, my love, I know it <w<
- I've been doing a lot of work on archives, so keep an eye on the group blog for a little highlights reel of some fun stuff from Somnol's past you should go and browse. I also did a full backup of our sites for this season, so no worries, even the weird, splintered state our stuff is in at the moment is preserved. (It will be less splintered shortly, am sure...)
- Keeping on with the rewrite for Kevin and Theo! Caby's an absolute mad lad, so immediately after going "man I am so overwhelmed by all I have to do", she's knocked out like five or six illustrations in 3-4 days. It'll be going to the presses very very soon, and we'll be making copies for everyone in the group, plus ourselves. My writing in print for the first time! Wack.
- I know I said I wouldn't workpost on here anymore, knowing who's watching and all, but I've amusingly stirred up my entire department by, uh, writing lists to management about how no one is doing shit. Listen, if I have to tell customers to not buy stuff because it's expired, that makes me big sad. I work hard so I don't have to work hard, so I'll be spending this weekend cleaning up other people's messes and gloating.
- In better news, they finally changed the music in there! So I get to listen to Garbage and Counting Crows and Nada Surf and Beck and Matchbox Twenty while I work, and that's just amazing. It's through work that I've realized my music tastes broadly fall into "90s adult alternative", which I think is pretty sweet.
I posted this on Blips this morning, but I'm not overwhelmed at all by any of this. No, I'm feeling motivated, at long last. I'm not avoiding things, I'm jumping right into them again. I'm glad to finally have momentum. Hopping from project to project, reminiscing, talking too much, kicking ass, making plans—things are finally feeling pre-lockdown again. This was all stuff we were talking about and doing back in 2019, and I made it my goal in 2021 to get back to that.
It took some time, but I'm finally feeling like I'm getting back there. Just you all wait until I have that car, see if I don't have some photos and videos for you...