Cammy's Big Rambly Journal

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March 22, 2023
What's left in preparing for the trip

My big fat to-do list

I blew through all 300 pages of Masters of Doom yesterday. Go read it, it's fucking fantastic. Aside from it being consistently fascinating, funny, and getting me to wanna drop everything to load up TrenchBroom several times, I really found John Carmack's continued insistence that happiness is a closet with a computer, a Coke, and a good pizza amazingly relatable. I mean, I don't eat quite that badly, but I'm a simple boy. I want my Caby, I want financial comfort, and I want to be able to pursue my hobbies. Literally whatever lifestyle enables that is what I want.

I would've bought immediately a copy off Amazon to keep (I just read a PDF copy) if I wasn't conscious of the money I'm spending that should really be saved up for my rapidly-approaching trip to see Caby. I'm not sure how much money I'll spend in all; I know the flight costs are mine, and obviously I'll have my debit card, but I don't need to spend money on a hotel or anything because I'll be staying with Caby's folks, and I'm sure she'll partially be paying for anything fun we do because she's hosting me.

That said, here's a small list of stuff, for me more than for you, that I still gotta get sorted before I head off in May. (I know I've been saying April, but May is when Caby's school lets out, and it just makes more sense to wait that extra bit.)

I've been feeling more alive than ever lately. I'm maybe a good 1,200 words off from having Kevin and Theo finished for Caby, and once that's done, all bets are off. I've been working a ton on cammy.somnol now that I've got a good testing environment. Lining more graphics, fixing misspellings, punching up alt-text, redoing pages, getting photo galleries ready for all the ones I'll take on the trip... I'm supremely proud of how it's turning out.

I'm just enthusiastic about things again. As I implied, I'd like to return to mapping this year. I'd like to make another EP this year! I miss how quick I used to make everything. I feel 2023, especially sitting in town, working right next to my best friend in the whole world, will be the year all that hits me again like a rocket.