I had to go into work on my day off yesterday! Beer has a nasty habit of hiring very unreliable older women with bad attitudes, and this one's been out sick like ten times in her first month. This is to say nothing of her habit of leaving early the moment she sees me go into the building, long before her shift is over or my shift even starts. (Needless to say, the store is looking for a replacement.)
Everyone was thankful, I got a gift card, I got some more hours towards my end of the year bonus, but it does mean I'm working six days in a row here, including today and tomorrow. Friday will be lovely and unfortunately much too short. My next day off is the following Tuesday. Some of my coworkers asked if I was gonna get my day off rescheduled, but there's just two people in that department, including me, so sadly, no. Not the end of the world.
In cammy.somnol news, everyone in the group was fond of the relaunch! It's very much just a start, but things are starting to crystallize. sushi called the island thing a "motif", and it reminded me I really should be pushing that theme with the graphics and look. It's all still kinda plain at the moment (as was intentional). Brainstorming those begins...
I'd also like to have a few different site sections. Here's what I've got at the moment:
- Cammy in the present (stuff about me, stuff about my Caby, I'm sure I'll think up others)
- Cammy's (not horrible) histories (a lookback at games, music, technology, videos, and so forth that I remember fondly)
- Interests pages (the return of the game reviews and score records, photo galleries, this time with fewer words, perhaps a subsite for the full run of Rediscoverings, and so forth)
I already have drafts of a few of the timeline pages.
I should mention I do obviously have a full backup of the old site, so I can take any of the old pages and rebuild them or repost them outright, if I really wanted to. Perhaps when I've built a much better site, I'll even toss the entire cammy.somnol v1 up on archives. That sure would highly embarrass past me, and possibly slightly embarrass present me! (For what it's worth, I only really consider that about page properly embarrassing. Everything else is just a missed opportunity.)
In more fun news, I've been binge reading perfectpacman.com since last night. That was the placeholder site Billy Mitchell (former Universe's Greatest, Most Accomplished, Most Awe-Inspiring, and Most Handsome Video Gamer, hot sauce salesman, and MAME enthusiast) bought to advertise his """first ever""" perfect Pac-Man game, and he let it lapse in 2017 and then someone bought it and wrote up nine asspoundingly long articles exploring his lifelong hobby of lying about stuff. It's exquisite stuff. I want this as an audiobook. It also means I almost didn't get this post done in time for work! Wahey!
As mildly bittersweet as it is to hear names I took as legend in my youth turn out to have fabricated their achievements (not that this is news to me), the website is, again, absurdly well researched and written. I love all the links to old Japanese websites (more reference material for cammy.somnol!) and that I finally know who named Blinky "Cruise Elroy" (Spencer Ouren, see Dot Two). The fact that it's in nine "dots" is a nice jab at Billy too, since he used to use nine dots in emails to teabag the guy who he cheated out of a fair competition at that Funspot in 1999. (It's a long, nerdy story about game glitches...)