I'm starting to think if I don't sit down and make time for this journal stuff, it'll never happen. I'll get used to it, promise! Am thinking about it nearly daily, lots of thoughts I should probably infodump here...
So as you can probably tell, I think it's about time to refresh my sites. The original cammy.somnol got pulled down in February of this year because I was in a pretty sore spot when I made it, it wasn't exactly as personal as I wanted it to be (felt very forced, very "old web" for the sake of it—not my preferred look), and I didn't like its original purpose, which was a "personal" site (stuff I kept closer to me and the group) while mariteaux.somnol was my "public" site (stuff people outside the group would wanna see—mostly mod work, really). A nice, properly thought out look and design was in order, so I parked it.
But over this year, I've started to feel like mariteaux.somnol isn't much my site either. There's a lot that I do that isn't represented on it currently; my stories, my more informational writing, my art (which I've been focusing on a lot lately), and my YouTube output. It's all kind of all over the place on different sites, while the site that bears my name is just my music (and kind of old music at that) and my modding work. And I'm proud of those! But they're only part of what I do, and now that I'm getting more confident in my art and just me in general as a whole package, it doesn't make a lot of sense to hide everything but what I think internet people want to see away. Again, it's my site! It's all part of what I do.
So, I'm redoing both. In a couple days, you'll see the relaunch of cammy.somnol, and then I'll park mariteaux.somnol with some kind of splash page and get to reworking that as well. The idea this time is cammy.somnol is more interest-driven and more about what I'm up to, while mariteaux.somnol is more my completed works for any old audience. In short, mariteaux.somnol pages are for stuff where the end goal is the thing that got made. cammy.somnol pages are for stuff where the end goal is the journey in getting there, and my own hobbies, life updates, and enjoyment. I've had this dichotomy in mind for months and I think it's solid and it'll work great.
My goal for all this site stuff is to bring everything back in pieces. When I relaunch cammy.somnol, only this journal will be on it. No other pages, not even an about. The goal is to bring it all back in time, because smaller updates are more conductive to getting things done. Then I can tackle each page on its own beyond that.
For both of them, expect a lot more site illustrations, more rambles, and less forcing the "old personal site"/"only the stuff you care about" angles. They're both my sites. I am me. I do a lot of different me things. I think having it all together and hiding less of it can only make me look better rounded as a person.
In other news, here's the post on the group blog I alluded to the other day, about me rebuying my childhood snowman plushie thanks to Caby's internet sleuthing abilities. He's been on my desk since I got him and it's been really hard trying not to rub his scarf like I did with the first one. Love him. So surreal to see still.